Security System Setup Tutorial: 45 - 60 mins
Our professional tutorial service is for customers that want to speed up their learning experience of their new Dahua, VIP Vision or Uniarch security system. We recommend this service for customers that don’t have much experience or time, and would like help customising their settings.
The tutorial is by phone and is hands on so you will need to have your cameras already connected to the NVR with monitor and mouse in hand as we go over the settings together step by step.
We will cover:
- How to setup recording schedules - along with our recommended settings
- How to set up smart detections - including motion detection, tripwires, intrusion detection
- How to setup active deterrence features for cameras with this feature, and how to disable them based on schedules
- How to use playback to view your recorded footage, and some tricks on how to easily find relevant events
- How to adjust camera resolution, bit rate and video compression settings
- Setting up your smartphone app to work with your new system, including push notifications and customising
- We also share our best tips based on our experience
- Feel free to ask any questions you want
- Tutorial lasts 45 - 60 minutes